import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; public class ButtonPanel extends JPanel implements ActionListener{ private JButton yellowButton; private JButton blueButton; private JButton redButton; public ButtonPanel(){ yellowButton = new JButton("Yellow"); blueButton = new JButton("Blue"); redButton = new JButton("Red"); yellowButton.setActionCommand("YELLOW"); blueButton.setActionCommand("BLUE"); redButton.setActionCommand("RED"); add(yellowButton); add(blueButton); add(redButton); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt){ Color color = getBackground(); String cmd = evt.getActionCommand(); // Use ActionCommand to // determine what to do if (cmd.equals("YELLOW")) color = Color.yellow; else if (cmd.equals("BLUE")) color =; else if (cmd.equals("RED")) color =; setBackground(color); repaint(); } public void addListener(ActionListener o){ yellowButton.addActionListener(o); // Add a commmon listener blueButton.addActionListener(o); // for all buttons in redButton.addActionListener(o); // this panel } }