Recall that we introduced the rule
and said, informally, that we would permit this rule to be used in all ``contexts''. The rule is not the only basic rule possible. For instance, observe that the two terms and are equivalent with respect to reduction--for any term , . This can be formalized by a rule (normally called ) which says
Given a set of basic rules such as , , ..., we can inductively define a one step reduction that permits any of these basic rules to be used in any context. Let us denote one step reduction by . We define through inference rules such as the following:
Following the conventional notation used in logic, we present such a rule in the following form
Here is the complete set of rules defining :
Notice that all that we have done is to formalize the fact that we permit the basic reductions within any subterm. In the ``calculations'' we have seen so far, we have already informally used this form of applying the rule.
In the discussion that follows, we shall dispense with the rule and assume that the only basic rule is the rule .