Chennai Mathematical Institute
Event 3 details
Event 4 details
Event 5 details
Welcome to the official webpage of CMI Fiesta 2013
Code IT
Treasure Hunt
Y U NO make MEME?
Wiki Links
F(1) = 1
Come on guys time is running fast….. .
If you’re an avid programmer, I’m sure you must have hit upon the correct answer by now!
So how many of you have it in you??? A go-get-it attitude???
If you have it- Code IT is the place for you.
Fiesta brings to the fore an onerous programming contest for the programming geeks out there. An excellent platform for showcasing your programming aptitude! So break the shackles of mind and set yourself for the show.
Come on guys time is running fast….. .
If you’re an avid programmer, I’m sure you must have hit upon the correct answer by now!
So how many of you have it in you??? A go-get-it attitude???
If you have it- Code IT is the place for you.
Fiesta brings to the fore an onerous programming contest for the programming geeks out there. An excellent platform for showcasing your programming aptitude! So break the shackles of mind and set yourself for the show.
1. The competition will be hosted on the Hackerrank Platform on 7th April, 2013 from 1400 hrs to 1900hrs.
2. Anyone can participate in this contest. But prizes can only be won by college/school students of Indian institutions.
3. This is an individual event. Any evidence of collaboration will lead to immediate disqualification.
4. A maximum number of 20 submissions is allowed per problem.
5. The ranking will be decided primarily on the basis of number of problems solved. If tied, then the penalty time will be considered.
The penalty time for a problem is the submission time (in minutes, after start of the contest) for a CORRECT submission. For each INCORRECT submission, 20 minutes will be added.
If a tie still remains, it will be broken in accordance with the time of last correct submission.
6. Admins reserve the right to disqualify any candidates, before, during or after the contest.
7. Participants can submit solutions in any of the languages supported by hackerrank such as C, C++, Java, Python.
8. The run-time limit for each solution is 2 seconds.
Judgement Criteria
1st Prize: INR 7,5002nd Prize: INR 6,5003rd Prize: INR 6000
4th,5th and 6th Prize: AWS Credit worth $100 each.
Anudhyan BoralEmail:
Abhratanu DuttaMobile: +917200014242Email:
“The world is full of obvious things which nobody by any chance ever observes.”
-Arthur Conan DoyleDo you feel a ‘Sherlock Holmes’ awakening inside you when you watch crime-mystery movies or riveting suspense-thrillers? Do you get perked up at the prospect of putting together ‘clues’ in order to decipher the elusive subtleties of a conundrum?
If yes, then gear up for this scintillating challenge! All you have to do is become an e-Detective:
Traverse through the dusty web of cyber space in a virtual obstacle race. Unravel hidden discrepancies and solve mind boggling puzzles from the comfort of your home.
Let the SEARCH BEGIN…!!!
1. The rules for the hunt are simple. All you need to do is crack one riddle to move on to the next one and so on.
2. Team Fiesta reserves the rights to disqualify any participant if there is sufficient evidence of the person having used unfair means for solving the questions.
3. Google and Wiki will be your best friends. Use keywords given in the hints to obtain the right results.
4. A textbox is provided at the bottom of each question. Caps, spaces and special characters are NOT allowed. For example, if your answer is "Gold-Safe", type your answer as "goldsafe". The answers could also be alphanumeric. If your answer is a number, say "536", then type the answer as "fivethreesix".
5. Look closely at each and every clue given on a page. Not all of them might be useful. Some of them are simply there to mislead you.
6. All clues are not visible upfront on the question page. You may have to download the source code or images and examine the entities present in the relic on every path. Changing the URL may help sometimes.
7. For hints, proceed to the facebook discussion page. Please don't call us for answers.
8. You are advised not to provide answers to the participants on the forum. It will lead to immediate disqualification.
The online treasure hunt is live now. Click here to play.
1st Prize: INR 3,000
Diptaishik ChoudhuryEmail id:
Have you ever looked at a snapshot captured by you and felt a sense of overwhelming pride in your photography skills? Then this might just be the right contest for you to trot out your adeptness with the camera.
1. A participant can submit ONLY 1 photograph.
2. Participants should be the sole proprietor of the photographs.
3. Photographs must not be edited in any way apart from adjusting their brightness, contrast and/or sharpness. Else, the participant will be immediately disqualified.
4. You have to specify an appropriate caption for your photograph.
5. Participants first need to register at fiesta website and then they should go to Wikimedia Common page for PixElite. Then they need to register in Wikimedia Commons and upload their pictures at wikimedia commons.
6. Participants should also mention your NAME, EMAIL ID, CONTACT NO, CAMERA MODEL, SOFTWARE USED (if any) and the DATE, TIME AND PLACE of the photograph at the description section of Wikimedia Commons
7. Participants must send their Fiesta Registration id and Wikimedia Commons id to else entries will be disqualified.
8. Deadline for the submission of photos are 30th March, 2013.
Photographs will be judged by renowned photographers of Chennai. Marks given by the judges will carry a weightage of 75%. Facebook likes will
carry the remaining 25% weightage.
1st Prize: INR 2,5002nd Prize: INR 1,500
Soumya BanerjeeMobile: +919884652316Email id:
1. Each participant can submit ONLY 1 entry.
2. Every meme must be in the form of a slide or series of slides consisting of popular rage/meme based characters, with suitable captions and/or dialogues left to the discretion of the participants.
3. Popular characters/rage faces/background or situational photographs can be self-fabricated or obtained from the internet.
4. A participant can create a meme on any topic of his/her choice. EXTRA credit shall be given for funny memes. EXTRA credit will also be given for creating a totally new character in the meme.
5. Though participants are being given the liberty to select any sort of topic, racially abusive comments will NOT be entertained.
6. If a meme is found to be copied, the participant will be immediately disqualified.
7. Every meme should be sent to the email-id along with the following information:-
a. Name of the participant
b. Name of his/her Institution
c. Address with Phone Number
8. The subject of the email should be "Y U NO make MEME::{username}"
1. Memes will be evaluated by students in CMI and judgement will be based on the choice of characters/situations, and appropriateness of the supporting captions and/or dialogues. Stylish fonts and effects won't fetch you a higher rating if the meme is not funny at all.
2. However, the memes will be graded primarily on the basis of the number of likes it gets when uploaded to facebook.
1st Prize: INR 1,000
Shubhayan Kabir
Email id:
Mobile: +919884438645
Have you ever tried to know about some specific topic from Wikipedia on the night before your exam, searched for it, gone on to explore other links in the page, only to find yourself looking at some completely different stuff after 5 minutes??? Are you somebody who opens Wikipedia to search for some random Greek Mythology character and ends up in a page describing a Role-Playing Action game after some time??? Then we present you with a golden opportunity to put these “skills” of yours to the test in this Wikilinks contest!!!
1. There will be a total of 10 rounds in this contest.
2. In each round, 2 pages from Wikipedia will be specified.
3. The participants need to link the 2 pages in the following manner:-
Let the given pages be A and B. Then they need to go from A to some page X1 by clicking some link given on page A. From X1 they need to go to some other page X2 in a similar manner and so on till they reach page B.
For example the pages of:-
Che Guevara ( and
Albert Einstein (
have a link as follows:-
Che Guevara ->
Time Magazine ( ->
Henry Luce ( ->
Yale University ( ->
Princeton University ( ->
Albert Einstein.
The main goal is to find the shortest connecting path in the shortest possible time.
A detailed demo of the game will be uploaded soon.
The participants will be judged on the basis of connecting the source and the target word by the shortest path in shortest possible time. Both time and distance will have weight on the judgement measure.
Start the game hereYou can also look at the demo video to get the idea how to play.
1st Prize: INR 1,000
2nd Prize: INR 500
Online Events
Physics Olympiad
“The essence of mathematics is not to make simple things complicated, but to make complicated things simple.” -S. GudderDo you have the innate passion to do with numbers what Messi does with the football? Are you someone who tends to juggle with equations like an adroit juggler?
Then, all you mathematical aficionados, who love to tackle thought-provoking mathematics problems - This is one contest you ought not to miss!
It will be a two-round, online contest. A participant will have to clear
the preliminary round in order to qualify for the final round. The
preliminary round will have 20 multiple choice questions and will be held on 30th March, 2013. Selected number of people will be selected for the final round which is going to have purely subjective questions. Each participant who qualifies for this round should send his/her solutions to with subject "Mathemagic_finals::username" either directly as a .tex/.doc/.pdf file or scanned pdf versions of handwritten solutions, within 36 hours from the beginning of the final round. In case of handwritten solutions, the handwriting should be legible enough. The decision made by the committee will be non-contestable and final. We will keep the participants updated about the date and time of final round.
Problem statement is up.
Find the problem statement here
1st Prize: INR 5,0002nd Prize: INR 3,000
Gaurav PatilEmail id:
“How wonderful that we have met with a paradox. Now we have some hope of making progress.”-Niels Bohr
Are you an unwavering physics enthusiast? Does the voluminous realm of physics capture your imagination like no other? Then come and test yourself in this challenging Physics Olympiad that’s all set to knock your socks off with an amazing set of questions! It is a keenly contested examination in physics open to all the students from several institutes and universities.
It will be a two-round, online contest. A participant will have to clear the preliminary round in order to qualify for the final round. The preliminary round will be held on 30th March, 2013. Participants must submit their solutions online to with subject "Physics_Prelims::username" either directly as a .tex/.doc/.pdf file or scanned pdf versions of handwritten solutions within 24 hours from the beginning of the contest, i.e. from the time the questions are made available on the website. Selected number of people will be selected for this round which is going to have purely subjective questions. Each participant who qualifies for this round should send his/her solutions to with subject "Physics_finals::username" either directly as a .tex/.doc/.pdf file or scanned pdf versions of handwritten solutions, within 24 hours from the beginning of the final round. In case of handwritten solutions, the handwriting should be legible enough. The decision made by the committee will be non-contestable and final. We will keep the registered participants updated about date and time of the finals.
Problem statement is up.
Find the problem statement here
1st Prize: INR 5,000
2nd Prize: INR 3,000
Himalay SenapatiEmail id:
Event 5 details
CMI Open
If you've been solving the Rubik's cube for a while, and would like to test yourself, this is the place to be. Fiesta brings to you the opportunity of showcasing your cubing skills in the upcoming contest:
The CMI Open is a NATIONAL-LEVEL competition recognized by the World Cubing Association (WCA) that is anticipating well over a hundred participants.
For the information of the uninitiated, “speedcubing” involves solving the Rubik's Cube and related puzzles as fast as one can. In 1982, the first World competition was held in Budapest. Since the inception of this sport, interest has grown exponentially in the Indian subcontinent, with the result that the once mystifying Rubik's cube has now become a household name. India now boasts of having the 3rd highest number of speedcubers in the world, after only China and USA. This is the second time that such an event is going to be held in CMI, and national records are expected to be registered in various events.
The number of preregistered participants seems to indicate that this is going to be the largest cubing competition of its kind in India. Expect a rejuvenating experience as you get to see the participants solve the Rubik's cube one-handed, and even blindfolded, with old records being broken and new records being made!
To register at WCA Website for this event click here*Click the following button to register in the Fiesta Website
Puzzles and Medals worth INR 20,000
Shubhayan Kabir
Email id:
Mobile: +919884438645
Email id:
Mobile: +919884438645
Event 5 details
Science Talk
Art Workshop
Wikipedia Workshop
Experts in mathematical sciences will deliver lectures on a variety of topics to expose the audience to current areas of research. However, the
best part of it is, this will be done in a non-technical way so as to make
the talks accessible to everyone irrespective of their field of study.
Prof. B.V. Rao, distinguished scientist who currently teaches at CMI, will
deliver a one-hour lecture on "Probabilistic Diffusion Model". He got his
Ph.D from ISI Kolkata and was also, formerly, a professor of that
institute for 20 years. Measure Theory, Probability and
Stochastic processes are some of his major areas of interest.Prof S.P. Suresh will deliver a lecture on "What is the title of this
talk? A Puzzle Guide to Logic". He is currently a part of the Theoretical
Computer Science(TCS) faculty in Chennai Mathematical Institute. Prof.
Suresh completed his MCA from NIT Trichy, after which he worked in the IT
industry for a year. He then pursued an MSc in TCS from Anna University
followed by a Phd in the same from the Institute of Mathematical Sciences,
Chennai. Prof. Suresh is also interested in sanskrit and carnatic music.
Soumya BanerjeeEmail id:
Mr. B.O. Shailesh, an eminent artist from the Cholamandalam Artists Village will be holding a workshop for a duration of 3 hours on 31st
March, where the participants will be provided hands-on training in
painting and sculpture. The main theme of this workshop is the use of
eco-friendly recycled materials.
Soutick SahaEmail id:
Some WIKIPEDIA volunteers will conduct a brief 30-min workshop on the subject of working with wikiprojects. Consider this to be a propitious
opportunity for directly interacting with and learning from the representatives of WIKIPEDIA!
Diptaishik ChoudhuryEmail id: BoseEmail id:
Event 5 details
Guest Lecture
Block N Tackle
How Stuff Works
Fiesta Times
A block and tackle is a system of two or more pulleys with a rope threaded between them, usually used to lift or pull heavy loads. You will be given a motion to speak for or against. A rope will be in your hand. When the judges say "BLOCK", loosen your rope and go against the motion, whereas support the topic on being asked to "TACKLE". Remember that the thread must not break anywhere. In this way, grab as many points as possible for your pseudo-substantial loquaciousness. In addition, brag about your score if you can successfully transit, from blocking to tackling or the other way round, in a way as if that's the point you had been trying to make all along!!
1. This is an individual event.
2. Participants will be given a pseudo-controversial topic.
3. Participants may choose between two given topics.
4. Participants will be given 3-5 minutes to think and 3-5 minutes to speak.
5. Judges can choose to call "Block" or "Tackle" at any point of the speech. The participants are required to speak against the motion at "Block" and speak for the motion at "Tackle".
6. Decision of Judges will be final.
Please look at the "Judgement Criteria" for more details.
Hint: Topics will, in general, not require any serious general knowledge. The topics are meant to be light and the participants are expected to be humorous.
1. Content
2. Organization
3. Language
4. Personality (confidence, voice and persuasive power etc)
5. Audience Adaptation
6. Smoothness of transition (A smooth transition is the most important part of this debate. Judges may also call "Block" while the participant is already speaking against the motion or "Tackle" while the participant is already "Tackling". In such cases, one must ignore the call without faltering.)
Decision of Judges will be final.
1st Prize: INR 1,0002nd Prize: INR 6003rd Prize: INR 400
Yajnaseni DuttaEmail id: PathakEmail id: BansalEmail id:
Do you often question yourself "how stuff works?" or "why are the things the way they are?" Do you know how a train keeps itself on its tracks? Check out how:
at this link
If you have answers to such questions, CMI Fiesta is the right platform for you to brag about your knowledge. Expect a lot more of such "HOW's" in this event.
1. This is a team event. A team can consist upto two members.2. There will be a two rounds. Those who qualify the preliminary round will be able to participate in the final round.3. Only five teams will be selected for the final.4. There will four quiz rounds. Details about these rounds will be updated soon.5. Judges might introduce new rounds (may be written) at the end in case of ties.6. The decision made by the panel will be non contestable and final.
1. Each question can bring at most 10 points.
2. Points will depend upon the following criterion:
a)correctness(use of correct physics) - 4point
b)completeness(whether all aspects of the problem have been discussed) - 4points
c) presentation - 2points
3. If a team is unable to answer a question it will passed to the next team. Such a question can bring at most 5 points to the next team, where points corresponding to each criterion becomes half of the original points.
4. The decision made by the panel will be non contestable and final.
Prize: Books worth INR 3,000
Lakshya BhardwajEmail id: MukherjeeEmail id:
"Diamond biscuit, jab bhi mood ho kha lo...healthy swaad ko paa lo..."
Got better ideas for advertising Diamond Biscuit??
Come and flaunt your creativity in ad-making at CMI Fiesta 2013. It is easy to speak but hard to convince.
1. This is a team event (a team can consist up to three participants).
2. Participants will be given a fictional product to advertise.
3. Participants will be given three minutes to prepare and three minutes to advertise.
4. Participants will be provided with basic props (chairs, papers, pens etc). Other props, if needed, have to mimed.
5. Decision of Judges will be final.
Hint: The ad could be in form of a jingle or short skit or anything to the best of their imagination.
1. Content
2. Humour
3. Team co-ordination
4. Relevance
5. Audience Adaptation
6. Originality
1st Prize: INR 1,500
Siddhi PathakEmail id: BansalEmail id: DuttaEmail id:
You are on a ship, full of celebrities. May be you are Don Corleone or Rafael Nadal or may be just Justin Bieber. The ship is about to sink. And alas! The ship is equipped with only two life jackets for its passengers. The captains have their own and they are out to hunt for the top two people who will be given the life-jackets. So, do you think you are deserving enough to survive?
Believe me, even Justin Bieber can survive. Take a look at the "Judgement Criteria" for survival strategies.
1. This is an individual event.
2. Participants will be given a character (could be a celebrity, fictional character etc.).
3. Participants may choose between two given characters.
5. Participants will be given three minutes to think and three minutes to speak.
6. Participants have to convince the captains (judges) that they deserve the life-jacket.
7. Judges can cross-question participants during their speech at any time. At the least, participants should expect a rebuttal at the end.
8. Decision of Judges will be final.
1. Content
2. Organization
3. Language
4. Personality (confidence, voice and persuasive power etc)
5. Audience Adaptation
6. Rebuttal
Decision of Judges will be final.
1st Prize: INR 900 2nd Prize: INR 600
Suguman BansalEmail id: DuttaEmail id: PathakEmail id:
Bringing the fun filled aura of Holi at Fiesta, we present RangHoli, a Rangoli making competition, to celebrate the festival of colours and revel in the traditional folk art of Incredible India!
You are cordially invited to make our fest more colourful.
1. It is an individual event.
2. Every participant will be allotted space (50cmx50cm) for their Rangoli.
3. Participants must bring their own Rangoli colours.
4. Usage of any other colours(permanent, oil paints, fabric etc.) will lead to disqualification.
5. Participants will be given two hours to prepare their Rangolis.
6. It is not a themed event. Participants can make any design of their choice.
7. Decision of judges will be final.
8. Participants are allowed to refer to a design during the competition.
1. Design
2. Colour combination
3. Aesthetics
Decision of judges will be final.
1st Prize: INR 6002nd Prize: INR 400
Yajnaseni DuttaEmail id: BansalEmail id: PathakEmail id:
We are seeking reporters to cover colourful Fiesta days at CMI. No prior experience required, no eligibility criteria at all!! Moreover, we are offering a good salary as well!! Check out what awaits you at 'Prizes'. We welcome you to attend all the events of Fiesta and flaunt your reporting skills.
1. This is a team event. A team can consist up to two members.
2. The participants are required to prepare a report on the basis of their observations in Fiesta 2013, day 2 (30.03.2013).
3. The report should be of maximum 1000 words (excluding the photos, if any).
4. These shall contain details regarding the events, point of views of students, faculty members, event organisers etc.
5. Participants can prepare photos to support their reports. Extra points shall be granted for photos, but this is purely optional.
6. Participants can take photos or interview anyone attending the fest, with a prior consent from the person involved. However, they are allowed to take photos of any event/contest which is a part of Fiesta.
7. All forms of art are allowed.
8. Participants are supposed to submit the report in the form of a .pdf/.doc/.docx or handwritten format.
9. Participants are supposed to report to the representative at the reception, near the entrance, no later than 2:30pm on the same day. If they have an electronic document, they are supposed to transfer them to the computer kept with the volunteer for Fiesta Times at the reception.
10. The report should have a cover page containing the following information:-
a. Name of the reporters
b. Name of their College(s)
c. Team Name
d. Contact Information
11. The results will be declared the next day 31.03.2013.
12. The reports should not contain any abusive or rebuking remarks for any person, event or group. Usage of any objectionable material will result in disqualification.
13. Judges reserve the right to disqualify a participant before, during or after the contest.
Will be updated soon.
Total Prize Money: INR 2,000
Suguman BansalEmail id: PathakEmail id: DuttaEmail id:
An exciting game in which a player has got to randomly choose a card and
subsequently make an effort to convey the correct word (written on the
card) to the other members of his/her team without divulging the word
itself or any of the five additional words, also listed on the card.
1. Participants must try to get their team to say the word. He/she may gesture, point, touch anyone or anything, say anything except the tabooed words or a word containing the tabooed word and the word he/she is supposed to convey.
2. Anything participants/teammates says must be in English.
3. Whatever the participants say or gesture must be understandable to anyone. In particular they cannot use any secret code to help their teammate guess the word.
4. Violation of Rules 1,2,3,4 will be considered as a foul. If a team commits such fouls more than twice they will lose any remaining time after the third foul had occurred.
5. Each team wll have 3 members , of which 1 member must be conveying the word , and other two must be guessing.
6. Each team will be given 2 minutes to convey as many words as possible.
7. For each taboo card given , the team can either try to guess the tabooed , or might wish to skip this card.
8. Each team can skip a maximum of 2 cards , after which each skipped card will count as a negative score.
9. The total score of the team will be #Guessed Words - #Extra Skipped Words.
10. Quite obviously , team with highest score wins.
11. In case of similar points , the decision is left to judges.
1st Prize: INR 6002nd Prize: INR 400
Yajnaseni DuttaEmail id: BansalEmail id: PathakEmail id:
Battle Zone
Hourly Puzzle
Friendly conflicts and rivalries between teams have been there from time immemorial in games and sports, be it cricket, football or cards. Since the invention of cyber games, things have got to a whole new level. The excitement here at CMI will be pretty exhausting as adrenalin levels will run high. So get ready to indulge yourselves in breathtaking counter strike matches at Fiesta Battlezone 2013 when envisioning success will bring you an inspiring image, but bringing that image to life will require mindboggling strategies and unprecedented skills with guns. So load your guns, soldiers, and let the bullets rain......
Online and onspot - both type of register will be closed at 9:00 am on 31st March.Any register after that would not be accepted.
The following settings will be set on servers:
Round time: 2min 30 sec
Freeze time: 6 sec
Buy time: 90 sec
Friendly Fire: On
First, 10 rounds will be played.
Then teams will swap sides.
Another 10 rounds will be played.
Starting money in both cases will be $800.
5 players from each team will be playing.
Match is over when either team scores 11 round victories.
In the event of a tie, match will go to overtime.
There will be a 5 minute break before overtime commences.
During overtime 10 additional rounds will be played, 5 rounds per side.
During overtime team which lost the initial toss round selects which side they play as.
Starting cash for overtime round is $10,000.
In the event of a continuing tie, 10 additional rounds are played until tie is broken.
A team should have 5 players.
Toss Round: - The starting side of each team is decided by a knife round between the teams. If anyone uses anything other than knife in this round the other team will win the toss round by default.
Match play will commence with 5 minutes of warm-up play.
Once match play has commenced, no player is permitted to pause or otherwise disrupt match play.
Each team shall have a team captain.
Team captains are required to:-
1. Ensure all team members understand the competition rules prior to match play.
2. Ensure all team members comply with competition rules.
3. Only the team captain shall liaise with competition admins.
Team captaincy may only be transferred once.
If a server error occurs before round 3 that match will restart, scores are discarded.
If there is any server error after round 3 then that round will not be counted. As soon as the player is reconnected the round will be restarted.
Each team will put forth 3 preferences. The common preference will be selected .In case of more than one common preference, one will be chosen upon the discretion of the competition admins.
Players should not use Shield or Semi-Automatic Sniper.
Talking out loud is not allowed. All conversations must occur in messages, standard or otherwise.
Round time: 2min 30 sec
Freeze time: 6 sec
Buy time: 90 sec
Friendly Fire: On
First, 10 rounds will be played.
Then teams will swap sides.
Another 10 rounds will be played.
Starting money in both cases will be $800.
5 players from each team will be playing.
Match is over when either team scores 11 round victories.
In the event of a tie, match will go to overtime.
There will be a 5 minute break before overtime commences.
During overtime 10 additional rounds will be played, 5 rounds per side.
During overtime team which lost the initial toss round selects which side they play as.
Starting cash for overtime round is $10,000.
In the event of a continuing tie, 10 additional rounds are played until tie is broken.
A team should have 5 players.
Toss Round: - The starting side of each team is decided by a knife round between the teams. If anyone uses anything other than knife in this round the other team will win the toss round by default.
Match play will commence with 5 minutes of warm-up play.
Once match play has commenced, no player is permitted to pause or otherwise disrupt match play.
Each team shall have a team captain.
Team captains are required to:-
1. Ensure all team members understand the competition rules prior to match play.
2. Ensure all team members comply with competition rules.
3. Only the team captain shall liaise with competition admins.
Team captaincy may only be transferred once.
If a server error occurs before round 3 that match will restart, scores are discarded.
If there is any server error after round 3 then that round will not be counted. As soon as the player is reconnected the round will be restarted.
Each team will put forth 3 preferences. The common preference will be selected .In case of more than one common preference, one will be chosen upon the discretion of the competition admins.
Players should not use Shield or Semi-Automatic Sniper.
Talking out loud is not allowed. All conversations must occur in messages, standard or otherwise.
Winners: INR 3,000Runners Up: INR 2,000
Ritwik MukherjeeMobile: +918939080754Email id:
There will be a variety of puzzles encompassing a multitude of topics to satisfy your intellectual hunger: Lateral thinking, codes, word puzzles, chess puzzles, kakuro and other strange japanese puzzles. Event will be held throughout the day, person with most solved puzzles under his belt takes away exciting prizes!
Participants will be given a sheet of paper containing 2 or 3 puzzles.
They should answer on space provided on the paper itself.
Time allotted for each such paper will be 30 mins.
Time allotted for each such paper will be 30 mins.
Total Prize Money: INR 2,000
Soumya BanerjeeEmail id:
Which is the only country not to have fire brigades?
What is the length of the biggest word in the English Dictionary?
29?? Is that your answer??
Oh nice, You must have swallowed up the whole encyclopedia.
Then take a part in a unique blend of trivia, entertainment, and puzzles masquerading as a GK Audio Visual Quiz. Teams of 3.
Rules will be declared on spot.
Total Prize Money: INR 7,000
Soumyajit PaulMobile: +918939136629Email id:
Event 5 details
“Without music, life would be a mistake.”
-Friedrich Nietzsche
Acoustica is a contest that will not only bring out the best in the
musician participants but will also jazz up the audience and weave a magic
in the ears and the hearts of all music-lovers. It will consist of
acoustic performances by the participants. Participants need to register
as teams each comprising of at most 5 intrumentalists and/or vocalists.
So are you ready to capture a rousing symphonic experience???
1. Only acoustic/semi-acoustic instruments are allowed.
2. Each group should consist of a maximum of 5 members.
3. Each group will be given 20 minutes of stage time which includes
set-up. Each team should perform a maximum of three songs.
4. No drum-kit will be provided. However, participants are free to
bring any acoustic percussion instruments.
5. Each team will be provided with a suitable number of mics and audio cables.
6. The judges decision will be final and binding.
Total Prize Money: INR 5,000
Puhup ManasMobile: +918056102034Email id:
Dance Competition
Registration is now open. Click on the Portal Window for Registration.
Rules & Regulation
Judgement Criteria
Yet not disclosed
Yet not disclosed
Yet not disclosed
Event 5 details
How to reach CMI
Soutick SahaMobile: +917418834028Email: | Debangshu MukherjeeMobile: +919884337754Email: |
Rebhu Johymalyo JoshMobile: +919748599911Email: | Ranadeep BiswasMobile: +918296654616Email: |
Niranka BanerjeeMobile: +918122700729Email: | Shubhayan KabirMobile: +919884438645Email: |
Soumya BanerjeeMobile: +919884652316Email: | |
CMI FiestaEmail: |
*Note: Unfortunately we are not able to provide the busThe Chennai Mathematical Institute is located in the SIPCOT IT Park in Siruseri on the Old Mahabalipuram Road (OMR), also known as Rajiv Gandhi Salai or IT Highway. Chennai has two main railway termini, Chennai Central and Chennai Egmore. On the suburban line, the nearest railway station is Thiruvanmiyur, on the MRTS. The nearest airport is Chennai International Airport.For those arriving at Chennai Central:
You can take a pre-paid auto or taxi from the railway station either to the bus terminus at Fort Railway station(Broadway bus terminus) or to Parrys(Villavakkam Bus Terminus). The rates for the pre-paid autos and pre-paid taxi's are fixed.
From Parrys take any bus to Adyar and get down near Madhya Kailash Temple on OMR. From Broadway you will get direct buses till SIPCOT IT Park. Bus numbers from Broadway to SIPCOT are 21H, X21H, L21H, S521.
You can also take a train from Park Town station, opposite to the Chennai Central Railway station (walking distance), towards Velachery and get down at Kasturba nagar. A link to the suburban trains is available on the Southern railway website. Kasturba nagar (or Madhya Kailash) is an important stop for MTC buses. There are several buses from Madhya Kailash to Siruseri IT park main gate, like 21H, 19B, X21H, 521, 568. CMI is 1.2 kms from the main gate.
You can try to catch our bus on route 1 from any place that you like. Contact our representative(s) on Route 1 if you want to get the bus.
For those arriving at Egmore:
From Egmore you can either take a train to Saidapet station or bus to Saidapet (main bus stop). From Saidapet station you will have walk to the Saidapet bus stop. From Saidapet you will get buses connecting SIPCOT. The route numbers are 19B, 519. Alternatively, you can take a bus till Adyar (near Madhya Kailash Temple on OMR) and take an MTC (route no. 19B, 521, 568)
From the airport you can avail the pre-paid taxi service to Siruseri Both the private and the government pre-paid taxi service are very reliable and efficient.
You can find the schedule here.Please mail us at if you have any problem with the schedule. We will try our best so that you can participate in all the events you want to.
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