Ramaiyengar Sridharan was born on July 04, 1935. This year marks his 80th birthday and CMI is organizing a conference in his honour.
Professor Sridharan has been primarily responsible for the development of a modern school of Algebra in India. He has made significant contributions to the study of projective modules over polynomial rings over division rings. This led to the understanding of problems on quadratic forms. His collaborative work with mathematicians all over the world has also had extensive impact in many areas of algebra.
Professor Sridharan has also made significant contributions to the study of history of mathematics since the ancient times. His publications and lectures on the subject have greatly expanded our knowledge in this area.
He is a superb teacher with an unparalleled capacity to inspire students with his lectures. As an outstanding expositor, his writings on various subjects have enthralled mathematicians of all persuasions. He has inspired generations of students and colleagues over the past sixty years. In the last fifteen years, he has been a wonderful mentor and teacher to young students at CMI. His active and enthusiastic engagement with students to this day has enriched countless students.
This conference in his honour is also a part of the Silver Jubilee celebrations of CMI.