There will be a workshop on Seshadri constants at Chennai Mathematical Institute during 30th January - 10th February 2017. The first week of the workshop will involve preparatory lectures aimed at students and post-docs. During the second week (6th-10th February) Prof. Brian Harbourne (University of Nebraska, USA) will give a series of lectures on Seshadri constants and some related topics. In addition to Prof Harbourne's talks, we expect to have a few survey talks by experts in the second week.

Description of Prof. Harbourne's lectures:
Title: Seshadri constants, Waldschmidt constants and resurgences:
Abstract: Recent work on ideal containments has led to the development of the concept of the resurgence, a new asymptotic invariant of ideals, which in turn has led to renewed interest in a quantity introduced in the late 1970s by Waldschmidt, now called Waldchmidt constants, which have connections to other asymptotic invariants such as Seshadri constants (introduced in the 1990s by Demailly), to resurgences (introduced by Bocci-Harbourne in 2000s) and Harbourne constants (growing out of a workshop at Oberwolfach in 2010). Harbourne's lectures for this school will cover aspects of all three of these invariants, their relationships, and some of their applications in Algebraic Geometry and Commutative Algebra.

During the first week (30th January - 4th February) there will be the following preparatory lectures:
  • Krishna Hanumanthu: Cohomology of coherent sheaves, cohomology of line bundles on projective space. Seshadri constants, Waldschmit constants.
  • D. S. Nagaraj: Riemann-Roch for curves, blow-ups of surfaces.
  • T. R. Ramadas: Divisors and line bundles, and maps to projective spaces, Intersection theory on surfaces, Riemann-Roch for surfaces, Nakai, Kleiman, and Seshadri criteria for ampleness.
  • Manoj Kummini: Serre duality, formal functions

There will be two 90-minute lectures in the morning and two one-hour tutorials in the afternoon. The schedule will be uploaded later.


The deadline for applications expired on Sunday 11th December 2016. However, we will consider late applications if there is a possibility of accommodating them.

Please send an email to expressing your interest in attending this workshop. If you are a student (undergraduate/Masters/PhD), please provide us with the following information:

(The above are required for students, and are recommended for anyone else who thinks that this might affect their application positively.)

Please note: