Design and Analysis of Algorithms
(for M.Sc.Applications of Mathematics, 2011 batch)
Introduction to algorithms by Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, Stein
Fundamentals of computer algorithms by Horowitz, Sahani, Rajasekaran (for some
selected topics)
- Small assignment 1: Write correctness proofs of insertion sort and merge sort algorithms
- Small assignment 2: Write correctness proof of Radix sort algorithm.
Which of the following sorting
algorithms are stable: Quicksort, Heapsort, Insertion sort, Merge sort
- Assignment 1: Following problems from the book of Cormen et al. (Numbers in brackets indicate marks.)
2-3 (1,1,2,3), 2-4 (1,1,1,2), 3.1-1 (3), 3.1-4 (4), 3-2 (6), 3-4 (8), 4.1-6 (3), 4.2-4 (3), 4.2-5 (3), 4.3-2 (3), 4.4 c,f,j (9), 6-2 (2,2,3,3,3), 6-3 (2,2,3,3,3,3), 8-6 (1,2,2,2)
Total marks=90
- Class test 1
- Midsem paper (held on 23/02/2012)
- Class test 2
- Assignment 2 (due on April 4th, no late submissions): Following problems from CLRS: 15.1, 23-1, 23.1-4, 25.1-5, 26.2-10, 24.1-3, 24-2, 24-4, 23-4, 23.1-11, 26.2-8, 26.3-5
(3 more problems are available on this page.)
(Hints/answers with marking scheme)
- Endsem paper (held on 27/04/2012)
A mark list is available here.
- 04/01/2012: Introduction, insertion sort, merge sort
- 06/01/2012: Asymptotic notation, methods for solving recurrence relations: substitution, recursion tree
- 11/01/2012: Recurrences continued: recursion tree, master method
- 13/01/2012: Heapsort, Quicksort
- 18/01/2012: Lower bounds for comparison sorts, Counting sort, Radix sort
- 20/01/2012: Dynamic programming: Matrix chain multiplication, Introduction to 0/1 knapsack
- 25/01/2012: 0/1 knapsack continued, Introduction to greedy method
- 27/01/2012: The fractional knapsack problem, activity selection problem
01/02/2012: Class test 1
- 03/02/2012: Activity selection problem continued
- 08/02/2012: Introduction to graphs
10/02/2012: Class rescheduled to 13/02
- 13/02/2012: Breadth-first search, Depth-first search
- 15/02/2012: Depth-first search continued, Topological sorting
- 17/02/2012: Identifying strongly connected components of a directed graph,
minimum spanning trees (greedy algorithm)
- 29/02/2012: Kruskal and Prim's algorithms for MST, Single source shortest paths: Dijkstra's algorithm, Bellman-Ford algorithm
- 02/03/2012: All-pairs shortest paths: Floyd-Warshall algorithm,
07/03/2012, 09/03/2012: No class
- 12/03/2012: Introduction to network flows (extra class)
- 14/03/2012: Ford Fulkerson algorithm, Edmond-Karp algorithm
- 16/03/2012: Applications of divide-and-conquor technique (a small leftover module): Selection in linear time, convex hull in plane
- 21/03/2012: Convex hull algorithm continued, NP-completeness: Optimization vs. decision problems, definitions of P and NP, concept of verifier and certificate.
- 23/03/2012: Reducibility, NP-complete and NP-hard problems, Circuit satisfiability problem is NP-complete
- 28/03/2012: NP-completeness of SAT, 3-CNF SAT, and clique
30/03/2012: No class
- 04/04/2012: NP-completeness of vertex cover and subset sum
06/04/2012: Holiday
- 11/04/2012: Introduction to Approximation and randomized algorithms: 2-approximation for vertex cover, randomized 8/7-approximation algorithm for MAX 3-SAT
13/04/2012: Holiday
- 18/04/2012: Approximation algorithms continued: derandomization of the
8/7-approximation algorithm, log n-approximation to set-cover, 2-approximation
to Max Cut
20/04/2012: Class cancelled due to Discrete Maths endsem