Module 1: Parity games
Lecture 1
08.08.2017 (Tue)
Course overview
Lecture 2
10.08.2017 (Thu)
Reachability games; Büchi games and co-Büchi games
Sections 3.1 and 3.2 from [1]
Exercise Set 1
Lecture 3
17.08.2017 (Thu)
Divide and conquer algorithm for parity games
Sections 3.3.1 from [1]
Exercise Set 2
Lecture 4
29.08.2017 (Tue)
Divide and conquer with dominion preprocessing
Sections 3.3.2 from [1]
Exercise Set 3
Lecture 5
30.08.2017 (Wed)
Progress measures I
Pages 1 - 5 of Notes
31.08.2017 (Thu)
Problem solving session by Thejaswini
Lecture 6
05.09.2017 (Tue)
Progress measures II
Exercise Set 4
Module 2: Mean-payoff games
Lecture 7
07.09.2017 (Thu)
Mean-payoff games; Computing values using First cycle version
Lecture 8
12.09.2017 (Tue)
Proof of positional determinacy; Value iteration algorithm;
Uniform positional strategies
[11], Sections 1,2,3 of [8]
13.09.2017 (Wed)
Problem solving session by Thejaswini
14.09.2017 (Thu)
Quiz 1 - Syllabus: Lectures 1 - 6
Module 3: Simple Stochastic Games
Lecture 9
19.09.2017 (Tue)
Introduction to Markov chains; Markov Decision processes
Lecture 10
21.09.2017 (Thu)
Solving MDPs: strategy improvement, linear programming,
value iteration
10.10.2017 (Tue)
Problem solving (MDPs)
Exercise Set 5
12.10.2017 (Thu)
Problem solving (Mean Payoff games)
Exercise Set 6
17.10.2017 (Tue)
Quiz 2: Syllabus - Lectures 7 - 10
Lecture 11
19.10.2017 (Thu)
SSGs: introduction, optimality equations, strategy improvement
Lemmas 4,5,6 of [4]
Lecture 12
24.10.2017 (Tue)
SSGs: formulation using Quadratic Programming
Sections 2.1, 3.1 of [6]
Lecture 13
31.10.2017 (Tue)
Converting MPGs to SSGs via Discounted Payoff Games
Sections 5 and 6 of [8]
2.11.2017 (Thu)
Problem solving (SSG)
Exercise Set 7
07.11.2017 (Tue)
Quiz 3: Syllabus - Lectures 11 - 13
Module 4: Graph searching games
Lecture 14
09.11.2016 (Thu)
Graph searching games: introduction to visible cops and
robbers game, tree width
Section 1 of [9]
Lecture 15
14.11.2017 (Tue)
Connection between tree-width and strategies for cops;
havens; brambles (screens)
Section 1 of [9]
Lecture 16
11.11.2016 (Fri)
Relating tree width and bramble number
Lemmas 12.3.1, 12.3.8 and Theorem 12.3.9
from [10]