Module 1: Parity games
Lecture 1
07.08.2018 (Tue)
Course overview; Solving reachability games, Büchi games and co-Büchi games
Sections 3.1 and 3.2 from [1]
Lecture 2
10.08.2017 (Fri)
Mixing Büchi and co-Büchi conditions; Divide and conquer algorithm for parity games
Section 3.3.1 from [1]
Exercise Set 1
Lecture 3
13.08.2018 (Mon)
Divide and conquer with dominion preprocessing
Exercise Set 2
Lecture 4
21.08.2018 (Tue)
Progress measures I
Pages 1 - 4 of Notes
22.08.2018 (Wed)
Problem solving session by Thejaswini
Lecture 5
23.08.2018 (Thu)
Progress measures II
Pages 4 - 10 of Notes
Exercise Set 3
Lecture 6
28.08.2018 (Tue)
Quasipolynomial algorithm by Calude et al I
Lecture 7
30.08.2018 (Thu)
Quasipolynomial algorithm by Calude et al II
04.09.2018 (Tue)
Review of running times of algorithms by Thejaswini
06.09.2018 (Thu)
Problem solving session by Thejaswini
Module 2: Mean-payoff games
Lecture 8
11.09.2018 (Tue)
Mean-payoff games; Examples
Lecture 9
13.09.2018 (Tue)
Positional determinacy in Mean-Payoff games
Special lecture (Thejaswini)
18.09.2018 (Tue)
Succinct progress measures for solving parity games
Special lecture (Thejaswini)
20.09.2018 (Thu)
Succinct progress measures for solving parity games
Lecture 10
04.10.2018 (Thu)
Value iteration algorithm; computing optimal strategies
Exercise Set 4
Module 3: Simple stochastic games
Lecture 11
09.10.2018 (Tue)
Markov chains
Lecture 12
11.10.2018 (Thu)
Optimality equations and Strategy improvement
algorithm for MDPS
Exercise Set 5
Lecture 13
16.10.2018 (Tue)
Solving MDPs using Linear Programming and Value iteration
Lecture 14
23.10.2018 (Tue)
Simple Stochastic Games (SSGs), optimality equations, minmax equilibrium
Sections 1, 2.1, Lemma 6 of [4]
Lecture 15
25.10.2018 (Thu)
SSGs: strategy improvement; formulation using Quadratic Programming
Sections 2.1, 3.1 of [6]
Lecture 16
01.11.2018 (Thu)
SSGs: value iteration; converting SSGs with arbitrary
probabilities to Condon style SSGs
Section 6 of [8]
Lecture 17
07.11.2018 (Thu)
Converting MPGs to SSGs via Discounted Payoff Games
Sections 5 and 6 of [8], Chapter 5 of [2]
Exercise Set 6
Module 4: Graph searching games
Lecture 18
13.11.2018 (Thu)
Graph searching games: introduction to visible cops and
robbers game, tree width
Section 1 of [9]
Lecture 19
15.11.2018 (Thu)
Connection between tree-width and strategies for cops;
havens; brambles (screens)
Section 1 of [9]
Lecture 20
20.11.2018 (Tue)
Relating tree width and bramble number
Lemmas 12.3.1, 12.3.8 and Theorem 12.3.9
from [10]