Module 1: Parity games
Lecture 1
10.08.2016 (Wed)
Graph games, Payoff function, Strategies, Determinacy,
Reachability games
Pages 74 - 79 from [1]; Pages 3-6 from [2]
Exercise Set 1
Lecture 2
12.08.2016 (Fri)
Büchi games; co-Büchi games; a mixed Büchi
and co-Büchi objective
Pages 79 - 80 from [1]
Exercise Set 2
Lecture 3
17.08.2014 (Wed)
Parity games; Generalization of Büchi games algorithm
to parity games; Complexity; Running time analysis
Pages 81 - 85 from [1]
Exercise Set 3
Lecture 4
19.08.2016 (Fri)
Algorithm for parity games with dominion preprocessing
Section 3.3.2 of [1]
Exercise Set 4
Lecture 5
24.08.2016 (Wed)
Solving parity games using progress measures - I
Section 3.3.3 of [1]
Lecture 6
31.08.2016 (Wed)
Solving parity games using progress measures - II
Lecture 7
2.09.2016 (Fri)
Solving parity games using progress measures - III
Section 4 and 5 of [3]
Lecture notes
Lecture 8
7.09.2016 (Wed)
Dominion preprocessing using progress measures
Section 3.3.4 and 3.4 of [1]
Exercise Set 5
Module 2: Simple Stochastic games
Lecture 9
14.09.2016 (Wed)
Introduction to SSG; Markov Chains and Reachability probabilities
Pages 405 - 419 of [5]; Introduction of [4]
Lecture 10
16.09.2016 (Fri)
Markov Decision Processes; Policy iteration/Strategy improvement algorithm
Lemma 4 of [4]
16.09.2016 (Fri)
Quiz 1 (Syllabus: Lectures 1 - 8)
Lecture 11
28.09.2016 (Wed)
Overview of algorithms for MDP: policy iteration, linear
programming, value iteration
Lecture notes
Lecture 12
30.09.2016 (Fri)
Algorithms for MDP: Linear Programming, Value iteration
Exercise Set 6
04.10.2016 (Fri)
Quiz 2 (Syllabus: Lectures 8 - 12)
Lecture 13
05.10.2016 (Wed)
SSGs: definition value vector, minimax equilibrium,
characterization using min, max equations
Lecture 14
07.10.2016 (Fri)
SSGs: Hoffmann-Karp algorithm, proof of correctness, some
incorrect algorithms
Lemmas 4,5,6 of [4], Sections 2.2, 2.3 of [6]
Lecture 15
12.10.2016 (Wed)
SSGs: formulation using Quadratic Programming
Sections 2.1, 3.1 of [6]
Lecture 16
19.10.2016 (Wed)
SSGs: value iteration, complexity, non-stopping SSGs
Lemma 2,3,8 and Theorem 1 of [4]
Module 3: Mean-payoff games
Lecture 17
21.10.2016 (Fri)
Finite duration mean-payoff games; positional determinacy
Lecture 18
26.10.2016 (Wed)
Positional determinacy of finite duration and infinite
duration mean-payoff games
[8], Section 4.3 of [2] (check Lecture 24)
Lecture 19
28.10.2016 (Fri)
Computing values in a Mean-Payoff Game (MPG)
Discounted Payoff Games (DPG); Reducing MPGs to DPGs
Reducing DPGs to SSGs
Reducing Parity games to MPGs
Section 2 of [9]
Section 5 of [9]
Section 6 of [9]
Section 4.4 of [2]
Exercise Set 8
Module 4: Graph searching games
Lecture 20
02.11.2016 (Wed)
Graph searching games: introduction to visible cops and
robbers game, tree width
Section 1 of [10]
Lecture 21
04.11.2016 (Fri)
Connection between tree-width and strategies for cops;
havens; brambles (screens)
Section 1 of [10]
04.10.2016 (Fri)
Quiz 3 (Syllabus: Lectures 13 - 19)
Lecture 22
11.11.2016 (Fri)
Relating tree width and bramble number
Lemmas 12.3.1, 12.3.8 and Theorem 12.3.9
from [11]
Lecture 23
14.11.2016 (Mon)
Relating tree width and bramble number
Theorem 12.3.9
from [11]
Lecture 24
14.11.2016 (Mon)
Clarification on positional determinacy of mean-payoff games