Lecture 1
05.08.2014 (Tue)
Büchi automata, Characterizing non-deterministic and
deterministic Büchi recognizable languages
1.1 - 1.4 of [1]
Lecture 2
07.08.2014 (Thu)
Closure properties, Exercises
1.5 - 1.7 of [1]
Lecture 3,4
18.08.2014 (Mon)
LTL, Conversion to NBA
2.3 - 2.5 of [1]
Lecture 5
22.08.2014 (Fri)
LTL is exponentially succinct than NBA, less
expressive than NBA; Model checking, Complexity
2.1, 2.2, 2.5 of [1]
Lecture 6
25.08.2014 (Mon)
Ramsey-based complementation of Büchi automata
Section 2 of Lecture 7 in [3]
Lecture 7
01.09.2014 (Mon)
Muller and Rabin conditions
1.3 of [2]
Lecture 8
05.09.2014 (Fri)
Determinizing Büchi automata: Problems with subset construction,
Marked subset and Hierarchical Marked subset constructions
1.4 of [2]
Lecture 9
08.09.2014 (Mon)
Safra's construction
1.4 of [2]
Lecture 10
12.09.2014 (Fri)
Correctness of Safra's construction, Logic S1S
1.4, 1.2 of [2]
Lecture 11
15.09.2014 (Mon)
S1S equivalent to Omega-regular languages
1.2 of [2]
26.09.2014 (Fri)
Mid-Semester Exam
Lecture 12
29.09.2014 (Mon)
Optimality of Safra's construction; Streett acceptance
Section 3.3 of [1]; Page 19-20 of [2]
Lecture 13
10.10.2014 (Fri)
DMA to DRA (LAR construction); Rabin chain and Parity conditions
Section 1.4.2 of [4]; Section 3 in Lecture 12 of [3]
Lecture 14
13.10.2014 (Mon)
Games, fundamental questions, reducing Muller games to
Parity games
Sections 2.1 to 2.4.3 of [4]
Lecture 15
17.10.2014 (Fri)
Strategy automata for finite memory strategies; lifting
strategies from vertices to sets of vertices
Sections 2.4.4 of [4]
Lecture 16,17
24.10.2014 (Fri)
Memoryless determinacy for Reachability, Büchi and
Parity games
Sections 3, 4 in Lecture 9 of [3]; Section 4.7 in [1]
Lecture 18
27.10.2014 (Mon)
Algorithms for reachability, Büchi and Parity games;
Complexity of solving parity games; Optimality of LAR
Relevant slides of
Barbara Jobstmann for algorithms, Section 4.9
of [1] and Section 4.2 of Paper for LAR-optimality
Lecture 19
31.10.2014 (Fri)
Introduction to automata over infinite trees; Büchi
tree automata less expressive than rest
Section 5.1, 5.2 of [1]
Lecture 20
3.11.2014 (Mon)
Complementation of tree automata
Section 8.4 of [4]; Section 5.3 of [1]
Lecture 21
10.11.2014 (Mon)
Emptiness problem for tree automata, S2S
Section 5.4, 5.5 of [1]
Lecture 22
14.11.2014 (Fri)
Decidability of S2S, SnS and SωS
Section 5.5 of [1], Pages 222-223 of [4]