
Simulations for event-clock automata
with S Akshay, Paul Gastin and R Govind. Logical Methods in Computer Science, Volume 20, Issue 3, 2024, pp. 2:1 - 2:41 PDF     (Shorter version appeared in CONCUR 2022 PDF)

MITL model-checking via generalized timed automata and a new liveness algorithm
with S Akshay, Paul Gastin and R Govind. Proceedings of CONCUR 2024 PDF

Deterministic Suffix-reading Automata
with R Keerthan, R Venkatesh and Sagar Verma. Proceedings of GanDALF 2024 PDF

A unified model for real-time systems: symbolic techniques and implementation
with S Akshay, Paul Gastin, R Govind and Aniruddha Joshi. Proceedings of CAV 2023 PDF

A local-time semantics for negotiations
with Madhavan Mukund and Adwitee Roy. Proceedings of FORMATS 2023 PDF

Zone-based verification of timed automata: extrapolations, simulations and what next?
with Patricia Bouyer, Paul Gastin, Frédéric Herbreteau and Ocan Sankur. Invited contribution to FORMATS 2022

Reachability in timed automata.
Invited survey to ACM Siglog news, Vol.9 Issue 3, July 2022. Link

Checking timed Büchi automata emptiness using the local-time semantics
with Frédéric Herbreteau and Igor Walukiewicz. Proceedings of CONCUR 2022 PDF

Abstractions for the local-time semantics of timed automata: a foundation for partial-order methodas
with R Govind, Frédéric Herbreteau and Igor Walukiewicz. Proceedings of LICS 2022 PDF

Reachability in updatable timed automata made faster and more effective
with Sayan Mukherjee and Paul Gastin. Proceedings of FSTTCS 2020

A Bridge between polynomial optimization and games with imperfect recall
with H. Gimbert and Soumyajit Paul. Proceedings of AAMAS 2020 PDF

Revisiting local time semantics for networks of timed automata
with R.Govind, F. Herbreteau, and I. Walukiewicz. Proceedings of CONCUR 2019 PDF

Fast algorithms for handling diagonal constraints in timed automata
with Paul Gastin and Sayan Mukherjee. Proceedings of CAV 2019 PDF

Reachability in timed automata with diagonal constraints
with Paul Gastin and Sayan Mukherjee. CONCUR 2018: 28:1 - 28:17 PDF

Why liveness for timed automata is hard and what we can do about it
with F. Herbreteau, T. T. Tran, I. Walukiewicz. FSTTCS 2016: 48:1 - 48:14 PDF

Better abstractions for timed automata
with Frédéric Herbreteau and Igor Walukiewicz. Infomation and Computation, Volume 251: 67 - 90 (2016) PDF (Shorter version appeared in LICS'12)

Nesting depth of operators in graph database queries: Expressiveness vs evaluation complexity
with M. Praveen. Proceedings of ICALP 2016 PDF

Defining relations in graphs: how hard is it in the presence of node partitions?
with M. Praveen. Proceedings of PODS 2015 PDF

Lazy abstractions for timed automata
with Frédéric Herbreteau and Igor Walukiewicz. Proceedings of CAV 2013 PDF

Abstractions for timed automata
Ph.D thesis, LaBRI, University of Bordeaux, 2012     Dissertation       Defence slides

Using non-convex approximations for efficient analysis of timed automata
with Frédéric Herbreteau, Dileep Kini and Igor Walukiewicz. Proceedings of FSTTCS 2011 PDF

Coarse abstractions make Zeno behaviours difficult to detect
with Frédéric Herbreteau. Logical Methods in Computer Science PDF (CONCUR 2011, Special issue)

Efficient on-the-fly emptiness check for timed Büchi automata
with Frédéric Herbreteau. Proceedings of ATVA 2010 PDF

Efficient emptiness check for timed Büchi automata
with Frédéric Herbreteau and Igor Walukiewicz. Formal Methods in System Design PDF, (CAV 2010, Special issue) Conference version

An alternate proof of Statman's finite completeness theorem
with Igor Walukiewicz. Information Processing Letters PDF