9:15AM: Opening Remarks
9:30-11AM: "Implications of GW observations for Short GRBs", Resmi L (IIST-Tvm) + Discussion [Slides]
11AM-11:30AM: Coffee.
11:30AM -1PM: "Seeing what we hear: finding electromagnetic counterparts for gravitational wave sources", Varun Bhalerao (IUCAA) + Discussion [Slides]
1PM-2PM: Lunch Break
2PM-3:15PM: Panel discussion on open problems in GW astronomy & Multi-messenger astronomy [Moderator: P Ajith]
3:30PM: Silver Jubilee Colloquium: "LIGO-India: Towards Multi-messenger Astronomy ", Bala R Iyer (ICTS-TIFR)
9:30AM-10:30AM : Observational constraints on the standard cosmological model and beyond, L Sriramkumar (IITM) + Discussions [Slides]
10:30AM-11AM: Coffee
11AM-12 Noon: Inflation after Planck, Jerome Martin (IAP, Paris) [Slides]
12-1PM: Parameter estimation and cosmology with gravitational waves, Archisman Ghosh (ICTS-TIFR) + Discussion [Slides]
1-2PM Lunch
2-3:15PM: Discussion on Open problems at the interface of Gravitational Waves and Cosmology [Moderator: Tarun Souradeep]
3:30PM: Silver Jubilee Colloquium, "In pursuit of elusive cosmic gravitational waves" by Tarun Souradeep (IUCAA) [Slides]
4:45PM: Coffee
9:30AM-11AM: Strong-field Tests of Gravity, K G Arun (CMI) + Discussions [Slides]
11AM-11:30AM: Coffee
11:30AM-1PM: Tests of theories of gravity using gravitational-wave observations , P Ajith (ICTS-TIFR) + Discussions [Slides]
1PM-2PM: Lunch
2PM-3:15PM: Discussion on Open problems [Moderator: Bala Iyer]
3:30PM: Silver Jubilee Colloquium, "What Physics and Astrophysics of Compact Objects will Gravitational Wave Observations Teach Us?" by Sukanta Bose (IUCAA) [Slides]
4:45PM: Coffee