Sridharan's 80th Birthday Conference

Chennai Mathematical Institute, July 27-29, 2015


  • Jean Barge, Ternary index of Lagrangians old and new.

  • Niveditha Bhaskar, Serre's injectivity question for reductive groups.

    Let G be a connected linear algebraic group defined over a field k. Serre's injectivity question asks whether a principal homogeneous space under G admitting a zero cycle of degree one has a k-rational point. This question has been answered in the affirmative by Jodi Black for absolutely simple simply connected or adjoint k-groups of classical type. In this talk, using Merkurjev-Barquero's norm principle, we extend Jodi's result to reductive groups with Dynkin diagrams containing only connected components of type A_n, B_n or C_n. We also discuss the (non-trialitarian) type D_n case and give a scalar obstruction defined up to spinor norms whose vanishing will imply norm principle and yield a positive answer to Serre's question.

  • Senthamarai Kannan, GIT quotients of Richardson varieties by a maximal torus.

    Let $G$ be a simple algebraic group of adjoint type over $\mathbb{C}$. The intersection of a Schubert variety (closure of an Orbit for the Borel subgroup of $G$ ) and an opposite Schubert variety ( Closure of an Orbit for the Opposite Borel subgroup ) is known as a Richardson variety. Since it is invariant under the action of a maximal torus, it is interesting to study its quotients. In this talk we prove that every power of the projective line can be obtained as such quotients.

  • Sudhesh Khanduja.    Please click for title and abstract.

  • Max Knus, Low dimensions and exceptional phenomena.

    Quadratic forms may admit very special properties in a few low dimensions. We describe examples which are standing out in Sridharan's work : exceptional isomorphisms, composition of forms and triality.

  • Amit Kulshreshta, A rational Wedderburn decomposition using quadratic forms.

    Quadratic forms over fields of characterstic 2 have usually been studied as isolated objects. In this talk we present an application of quadratic forms in characterstic 2 to explicitly write the Wedderburn decomposition of rational group algebras of certain 2-groups. This is a joint work with Dilpreet Kaur.

  • M Ojanguren, Two birds with one stone.

  • M S Raghunathan, On Imbedding Harish-Chandra modules in Principal Series.

    Let $G$ be a connected linear semsimple group and $K$ be (connected) closed subgroup such that AD($K$) is a maximal compact subgroup of AD($G$). Let $\mathfrak g$ be the Lie algebra of $G$ and $\,\mathfrak k$ the Lie sibalgebra of $\mathfrak g$ corresponding to $K$. Let $\rho$ be an irreducible unitary representation of $G$ on a separable complex Hilbert space $\math cal H_{\rho}$ and let $H_{\rho}$ the space of $K$-finite vectors in $\mathcal H_{\rho}$ considered as a $(\mathfrak g$-$K)$-module. It is a theorem of Casselmanand Millicic that $H_{\rho}$ admits an imbeddig as a $(\mathfrak g$-$K)-module in a principal series module. We give a new proof of this theorem in the special case when $\mathfrak g$ has ($\R$-) rank 1. In fact we prove a somewhat stronger result in this special case, viz. that any irreducible $(\mathfrak g$-$K)$-module $M$ is imbeddable in a principal series representation - we do not assume that the module is one obtained from a unitary representation of $G$. As a consequence one concludes that an irreducible $(\mathfrak g$-$K)$-module is necessarily a Harish-Chandra-module, i.e, the $K$-isotypical components of $M$ are finite dimensional. That $H_{\rho}$ is an irreducible $(\mathfrakg$-$K)$ module whic has this last property is a theorem of Harish-Chandra.

  • Preeti Raman, Adjoint classical groups over Q_p(X) and R-equivalence.

    We discuss R-equivalence classes of some adjoint classical groups over the function field F of a smooth geometrically integral curve over a p-adic field (with p not 2).

  • S Ramanan, Higgs moduli on hyper-elliptic curves and Hitchin fibre.

  • Ravi Rao, Normality of the DSER group of elementary orthogonal transformations.

    Let $(Q, q)$ be a inner product space over a commutative ring $R$, and consider the Dickson-Siegel-Eichler-Roy's subgroup of the orthogonal group $O_R(Q \perp H(R)^n)$, $n \geq 1$. We show that it is a normal subgroup of $O_R(Q \perp H(R}^n)$, for all $n$, except when $n = 2$. This is a joint work with A.A. Ambily.

  • M D Srinivas.    Please click for title and abstract.