Recall that for terms with normal forms, the normal form denotes the ``value'' of the term. What about terms without normal forms? Are all terms without normal forms equally ``meaningless''?
Suppose we want an equivalence on lambda terms such that:
Then, we can show that is the trivial relation the equates
all terms--in other words,
for all
To see this, consider the function defined by
As we have seen above, we can plug in our definition for
if-then-else and then unravel this recursive definition to yield
a lambda term for .
It turns out that
Now, consider
, where
are the encodings of the truth
values true and false.
Now, suppose we have an equivalence as described above. Then
Since does not terminate for any
, we have
for all
. But, since
implies that
for all M (by Condition 3 in the
definition of
). But then we have
. Since
for all
this means that
for all