M. Praveen
- (With Agnishom Chattopadhyay) Query Preserving Watermarking Schemes for
Locally Treelike Databases.
Accepted at FSTTCS 2019, Mumbai, India.
- (With Alain Finkel) Verification
of Flat FIFO Systems.
CONCUR 2019, Amsterdam, Netherlands. Full version here.
- (With Diego Figueira) Playing
with Repetitions in Data Words Using Energy Games.
LICS 2018, Oxford, UK. Full version here.
- (With B. Srivathsan) Nesting
Depth of Operators in Graph Database Queries:
Expressiveness vs. Evaluation Complexity.
ICALP 2016, Rome, Italy. Full version here.
- (With B. Srivathsan) Defining
Relations on Graphs: How Hard is it in the Presence of
Node Partitions?. PODS
2015, Melbourne, Australia. Proceedings
of PODS 2015, pages 159-172. Full version here.
- (With Jérôme
Leroux and Grégoire Sutre)
Hyper-Ackermannian bounds for pushdown
vector addition systems. LICS
2014, Vienna
Summer of Logic. Article 63, Proceedings
of CSL-LICS'14. Full version here.
- (With Gilles Geeraerts, Alexander
Heußner and Jean-Francois Raskin) ω-Petri
nets: algorithms and complexity. In
Fundamenta Informaticae 137(1):29-60,
- (With Jérôme
Leroux and Grégoire Sutre) A
Relational Trace Logic for Vector
Addition Systems with Application to
Context-Freeness. CONCUR
2013, University
of Buenos Aires. LNCS
8052, pp 137-151. Full version
- (With Stéphane Demri
and Diego Figueira) Reasoning about data repetitions with counter systems.
LICS 2013, Tulane University.
In proceedings of LICS 2013.
- (With Gilles
Geeraerts, Alexander Heußner and
Jean-Francois Raskin) ω-Petri
nets. Petri Nets 2013, University of
7927, pp 49-69. Full version
- Does Treewidth help in Modal Satisfiability?
ACM Transactions on
Computational Logic, 14(3):
1-18, 2013.
- Small Vertex Cover makes Petri Net Coverability and Boundedness Easier.
Algorithmica, 65(4):713--753, 2013.
- (With Rémi Bonnet and Alain Finkel) Extending the Rackoff technique to affine nets. FSTTCS 2012, IIIT Hyderabad. Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics. Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, 2012. Full version
- (With Kamal
Lodaya) Parameterized complexity results for 1-safe Petri nets. Accepted in CONCUR 2011, RWTH Aachen University. LNCS 6901 , pp 358-372. Full version
- Small Vertex Cover makes Petri Net Coverability and Boundedness Easier.
IPEC 2010, The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai, India.
6478, pp 216-227.Full version
here. Got the IPEC 2010 excellent student paper award.
- Does Treewidth help in Modal Satisfiability?
MFCS 2010, Faculty of Informatics of
Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic.
LNCS 6281, pp 580-591. Full version
- (With Kamal
Lodaya) Modelchecking counting
properties of 1-safe nets with buffers
2009, IIT
Kanpur. LIPIcs 4
(2009), pp 347-358. Full version
- (With Kamal Lodaya) Analyzing
reachability for some Petri nets with fast growing markings.
2nd RP workshop
2008, Liverpool.
ENTCS 223,
pp 215-237. Full version here.