Google Scholar


  • 33. Computational Finance with R , (2024),Published by Springer;

Technical Report

  • 32. Jacobi Prior: An Alternative Bayesian Methods for Supervised Learning , (2024)(with Shouvik Sardar), Preprint;
  • 31. Prediction of COVID-19 Disease Progression in India : Under the Effect of National Lockdown , (2020), Preprint;
  • 30. Causal Impact of Web Browsing and Other Factors on Research Publications, (2020), (with Bharathi Manjula .K, and Jehadeesan .R), Preprint;
  • 29. Modeling Risk and Return using Dirichlet Process Prior, (2018), (with Aritra Halder, Ananya Lahiri, Dipak K Dey), Preprint;
  • 28. Regularization and Variable Selection with Copula Prior, (2016), (with Rahul Sharma), Preprint;
  • 27. Spatial Point Process Analysis of Maoist Insurgency in India, (2010), (with Souparno Ghosh), SAMSI Technical Report # 2010 - 03; Preprint;

Journals and Refereed Conferences

  • 26. Untangling Climate's Complexity: Methodological Insights, (2024), ( with Yadav, Alka and Chakraborti, Anirban ), Indian Journal Of Theoretical Physics ; Available at: Click Here;
  • 25. Understanding the complex dynamics of climate change in south-west Australia using Machine Learning, (2023), (with Yadav, Alka., Bakar, Shuvo. and Chakraborti, Anirban. ), Physica A;Volume 627, 129139.; Available at: Click Here;
  • 24. Normalization of marks in multi-session examinations., (2020), (with Bhatt, Abhay G. and Karandikar, Rajeeva L.), Current Science; Volume 118; Issue 1; Page: 34-39 Click Here;
  • 23. Sparse Portfolio selection via Bayesian Multiple testing, (2020), (with Rituparna Sen), Sankhya - B Accepted; (First draft: 2017) Preprint;
  • 22. Emerging spectra characterization of catastrophic instabilities in complex systems, (2020), (with Anirban Chakraborti, Kiran Sharma, Hirdesh K. Pharasi Rakesh Chatterjee, Thomas H. Seligman), New Journal of Physics Accepted; (First draft: 2018) Preprint;
  • 21. A Bayesian Perspective of Statistical Machine Learning for Big Data, (2020), (with Rajiv Sambasivan, and Sujit K Sahu), Computational Statistics Accepted; (First draft: 2018)Preprint;
  • 20. Clustering Mixed Datasets Using Homogeneity Analysis with Applications to Big Data, (2019), Volume 70 Issue 2, pp. 155--180 (with Rajiv Sambasivan), Calcutta Statistical Association Bulletin; Click Here (First draft: 2016) Preprint
  • 19. Modeling Nelson-Siegel Yield Curve using Bayesian Approach, (2018), In New Perspectives and Challenges in Econophysics and Sociophysics, Eds by F. Abergel, B.K. Chakrabarti, A. Chakraborti, N. Deo and K. Sharma (Springer New Economic Windows). Preprint
  • 18. Fast Gaussian Process Regression for Big Data, (2018), (with Sasanka Roy and Rajiv Sambasivan), Big Data Research, Volume 14, December 2018, Pages 12-26; DOI: 10.1016/j.bdr.2018.06.002 (first draft: 2015) Preprint; Python implementation Click Here
  • 17. Classification and Regression using Augmented Trees, (2018), (with Rajiv Sambasivan), International Journal of Data Science and Analytics, Accepted, (first draft: 2017) DOI: 10.1007/s41060-018-0146-6
    Note that the initial title of the draft was Big Data Classification Using Augmented Decision Trees. However, the editor of the journal pushed us to change the title. Preprint
    For the Python code - Click Here
  • 16. Understanding Sea Ice Melting via Functional Data Analysis, (2018), (with Purba Das and Ananya Lahiri), Current Science, Volume 115, Issue 5, Pages 920--929, Click here (first draft: 2016) Preprint Click Here
  • 15. Big Data Regression Using Tree Based Segmentation, (2017), (with Rajiv Sambasivan), IEEE Proc. INDICON-2017, Available Here, Preprint
  • 14. A Statistical Machine Learning Approach to Yield Curve Forecasting, (2017), (with Rajiv Sambasivan), IEEE Proc. ICCIDS-2017, DOI: 10.1109/ICCIDS.2017.8272667, Preprint
    For the Python code - Click Here
  • 13. Regularizing Portfolio Risk Analysis: A Bayesian Approach, (2017), (with Aritra Halder, Dipak Dey), Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability, Vol 19, Issue 3, Page: 865--889; DOI: 10.1007/s11009-016-9524-5 First Draft (2014), Preprint
  • 12. On Dynamic Generalized Linear Models with Applications, (2013), (with Dipak Dey), Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability, Vol 15, Issue 2, Page: 407-421 ; DOI: 10.1007/s11009-011-9255-6
  • 11. Synthetic Priors that Merge Opinion from Multiple Experts, (2012), (with Hongxia Yang and David Banks), Statistics, Politics and Policy, Vol 4, Issue 1 ; DOI: 10.1515/2151-7509.1060
  • 10. On Bayesian Inference for Generalized Multivariate Gamma Distribution, (2010), (with Dipak K Dey), Statistics and Probability Letters, Vol 80, Issue-19-20, Pages: 1492-1499.; DOI: 10.1016/j.spl.2010.05.018; Preprint
    For the R code - Click Here
  • 9. Analysis of Extreme Drinking in Patients with Alcohol Dependence Using Pareto Regression, (2010), (with Ofer Harel, Dipak K Dey, Jonathan Covault and Henry R. Kranzler), Statistics in Medicine, Vol 29, Issue 11, PP: 1250-1258; DOI: 10.1002/sim.3878
  • 8. Quantitative test for sensory hand symptoms based on mechanoreceptor-specific vibrotactile thresholds, (2010), (with Brammer, Sutinen, Pyykko, Toppila, and Starck), Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol 127, Issue 2, pp. 1146-1155 ; DOI: 10.1121/1.3270395
  • 7. Efficacy of Endoscopic Ultrasound (EUS) Guided Celiac Plexus Block (CPB) and Celiac Plexus Neurolysis (CPN) for Managing Abdominal Pain Associated with Chronic Pancreatitis and Pancreatic Cancer: a systematic review and Meta analysis., (2010), (with Kaufman, Singh, Micames, and Gress.), Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology, Vol 44, Issue 2, pp: 127 -- 134 ; DOI: 0.1097/MCG.0b013e3181bb854d
  • 6. Efficacy of Endoscopic Ultrasound-guided (EUS) Trucut Biopsy (TCB) for Evaluating Pancreatic Masses: A Meta-Analysis, (2009), (with Singh, Gurpreet; Reichert, Sonia; Gress, Frank), American Journal of Gastroenterology, 104():p S94.; Available Here
  • 5. Vlbrotactile perception as a test for numbness and pain., (2009), (with Brammer AJ, Sutinen P, Pyykko I, Toppila E, Starck J), Canadian Acoustics;37(3):180-1. ; DOI: Available Here
  • 4. Radiation Therapy for Pain Management in Pancreatitis: A Meta-Analysis, (2009), (with Kaufman, Marina; Concha-Parra, Ronald; Das, Gress, Frank), American Journal of Gastroenterology, 104():p S93. ; Available Here
  • 3. An Adaptive Bayesian Analysis for Binomial Proportions, (2009), (with Sonali Das), South African Statitical Journal, Vol 43, Issue 1, PP: 195-218 ; Preprint
  • 2. Variation in GABRA2 Predicts Drinking Behavior in Project MATCH Subjects, (2007), (with Bauer, Covault, Harel, Gelernter, Anton, and Kranzler), Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental Research, Vol 31, Issue 11, pp: 1780--1787 ; DOI: 10.1111/j.1530-0277.2007.00517.x
  • 1. On Bayesian Analysis of Generalized Linear Models using Jacobian Technique, (2006), (with Dipak Dey), The American Statistician, Vol 60, No. 3, PP: 264-268 ; DOI: 10.1198/000313006X128150