Talks Some talks I've given over the last few years

No-boundary extremal surfaces in slow-roll inflation and other cosmologies -- talk at the "National Strings Meeting" NSM 2024, IIT Ropar, and Chennai Strings Meeting CSM 2024, IMSc Chennai.

de Sitter space, extremal surfaces and time entanglement -- talk at the "Quantum information, quantum field theory and gravity" workshop, ICTS Bangalore 2024.

de Sitter space, extremal surfaces and time entanglement -- talk at various places (evolving) over 2022-24, incl "Observable algebras in field theory and gravity" workshop, IIT Mandi, Feb '24 (most recently), Chennai Strings Meeting '23 and CMI, U. Kentucky String Group USA, Chennai Strings Meeting '22, TIFR String Group (informal online talk), etc.

Cosmologies, singularities and quantum extremal surfaces -- talk at the (online) Indian Strings Meeting ISM2021, organized by IIT Roorkee, Dec 2021 (also based on online talks given in the QASTM and IITM seminar series, earlier in 2021).

de Sitter future-past surfaces & the "entanglement wedge" -- talk at the (online) Chennai Strings Meeting 2021, organized by IMSc Chennai, Nov 2021.

Extremal surfaces, de Sitter entropy and entanglement in ghost theories -- talk given at ICTS Bangalore, Feb 2020. Slightly updated from talks given at ICTP Trieste, Italy, ITP TU Vienna, Austria, Oct 2019, and earlier at TIFR Mumbai, CMI, IITM etc, 2019.

Aspects of nonrelativistic holography: entanglement, viscosity and AdS2 -- talk at "AdS/CFT and thermalization" workshop, Indian Association for Cultivation of Sciences (IACS), Kolkata, Oct 2018.

Extremal surfaces, entanglement in ghost systems and de Sitter entropy -- talk at the Nishinomiya-Yukawa memorial (long-term) workshop on "New Frontiers in String Theory", Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto, Japan, July 2018, at the IV Saha Theory Workshop on "Modern Aspects of String Theory", Saha Institute, Kolkata, Feb 2018, and at IMSc, Chennai, Dec 2017.

de Sitter extremal surfaces and entanglement in ghost systems -- talk at the Indian Strings Meeting ISM2016, IISER Pune, Dec 2016 (also based on talks given at TIFR and HRI, 2016).

Aspects of (A)dS extremal surfaces and entanglement entropy -- talk at the 4th Indo-Israeli workshop on quantum field theory and string theory, Goa, India, Dec 2015.

Aspects of extremal surfaces and entanglement entropy in gauge/gravity dualities -- talks at the 1-day workshop surrounding the visit of Abhay Ashtekar at IIT Madras, Oct 15, and Saha Institute, Kolkata, Nov 2015.

Aspects of extremal surfaces in (A)dS -- talk at the "Entanglement from Gravity" Discussion Meeting, ICTS, Bangalore, around the Chandrasekhar Lectures given by Rob Myers, and the Indian Strings Meeting (ISM2014), Puri, India, Dec 2014.

D-brane plane waves, hyperscaling violation and entanglement entropy -- talk given at the Physics Dept, U. Kentucky, the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton (May 2013), and the Great Lakes Strings Conference 2013, U. Kentucky, USA, May 2013.

Hyperscaling violation and entanglement entropy in gauge/string theory -- talk given at "Non-perturbative gauge theories, holography and all that" workshop, CHEP, IISc, Bangalore, Jan 2013.

AdS plane waves, Lifshitz scaling, hyperscaling violation and entanglement entropy -- talk given at the Indian Strings Meeting (ISM2012), Puri, India, Dec 2012.

Aspects of Lifshitz scaling in string theory -- talk given at the KITP, UC Santa Barbara, U. Kentucky, USA (June '12), and the Discussion Meeting on String Theory, ICTS, Bangalore, June '12.

Cosmological singularities, AdS/CFT and de Sitter deformations -- talk at the International Conference on Gravitation and Cosmology, Goa, Dec '11.

Lifshitz-like systems and AdS null deformations --- talk at the Discussion Meeting on applied string theory (holographic condensed matter and QCD) around the Chandrasekhar lectures given by Dam Son at TIFR, Mumbai, Mar '11.

Cosmological singularities in string theory --- talk at the "Primordial Features and Non-Gaussianities" international conference, HRI, Allahabad, Dec '10.

Lifshitz spacetimes from AdS null and cosmological solutions --- talk at the International Conference on String and M-theory, Ascona, Switzerland, Jul '10.

Nonsupersymmetric C4/ZN singularities and closed string tachyons --- talk at National Strings Meeting (NSM09), IIT Bombay, India, Feb '10.

Cosmological Singularities, Gauge Theory Duals and Strings --- recent talk on aspects of cosmological singularities in AdS/CFT as well as worldsheet descriptions of some null singularities ('09).

Time-dependent Phenomena in String Theory --- colloquium style talk on aspects of cosmological singularities in AdS/CFT, and closed string tachyon condensation in certain classes of 3-dim unstable singularities (parts of this latter bit were also at the ISM04 talk, Khajuraho, India).

Some previous talks on cosmological singularities:

ISM 08 Indian Strings Meeting (ISM08), Pondicherry;

KITPC String Cosmology Workshop, '07, Beijing, China;

ICTP Cosmology Workshop, '07, Trieste, Italy (also at ISM 06, Puri, India).

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