Accommodation for outstation participants is being arranged from 21st August to 26th August. Accommodation is being arranged at the following places: (please CLICK HERE to see the room allocations)
1) Quality Hotel Sabari Classic
No. 33, Old Mahabalipuram Road
Chennai, IN, 603103
Phone: +91 44 24735030, 47445030
Fax: +91 44 27435868
The banquet will be on Tuesday, August 23, and will be held in the same hotel.
2) IIT Taramani Guest House (Map)
IIT Chennai.
Office : +91 (44) 2257 8450, 8449
Entrance : +91 (44) 2257 8470
3) IMSc Guest House (Map)
The Institute of Mathematical Sciences
CIT Campus, Taramani,
Chennai 600113.
Tel: +91 (44) 22543144
4) SETS Guest House (Map)
MGR Knowledge City, CIT Campus
Taramani Chennai - 600113.
Tel: +91 (44) 66632500 - 30
Vehicles to and from CMI: CMI will organise transport to/from
the hotel, IIT Taramani guest house, IMSc guest house and SETS guest
house to the Institute during the workshop. Traffic can get very heavy in the morning, so please make sure you make it to
your bus on time. We expect the vehicles to reach CMI by 8:45am. Partipants can have breakfast at CMI.
The following are the
pickup timings from different locations:
(a) A vehicle will pick
up participants from the hotel at 8:45am.
(b) Two twelve seater
buses will leave IIT Taramani guest house every morning at 7:45
(c) Two twelve
seaters will leave from SETS guest house at 7:40 pick up particpants
and reach IMSc guest house at 7:50. The vehicle will leave IMSc at
8:00 am.These vehicles are intended primarily for participants staying in SETS, IMSc and for IMSc faculty and students.
All the vehicles will return after the last talk of the day.
In addition there is a regular shuttle between IMSc and CMI throughout the day. The timing for the shuttle can be found at the
CMI webpage.
We have not made arrangements for dinner except on Tuesday 23rd, when all participants are invited for a banquet at
Hotel Quality Sabari Classic. Transport will be availabe to take you back to your guest houses after the banquet.
For those staying in Taramani Guest house and IMSc guest house, there
is dinner available on payment. Please check at the respective guest
houses if you need to inform them earlier about having
dinner. Alternatively you may wish to check out some of the
restaurants in the vicinity - the IMSc website has a detailed review
of some of the restaurants in the vicinity.
For those staying at SETS please note that there is no dinner service available at the SETS guest house. However the research park has a number of food courts where you can try out various cuisines.