Introductory Talk.
Jaikumar Radhakrishnan , TIFR, Mumbai
Lossless expanders/extractors from algebraic codes, Expander codes, Euclidean Sections.
Venkatesan Guruswami , Carnegie Mellon University
Application of Boolean function analysis to computational randomness.
Andrej Bogdanov , Chinese University of Hongkong, Hongkong
The Kakeya Problem and the Joints Conjecture.
Neeraj Kayal, Microsoft Research, Bangalore
Pseudorandom generators for threshold functions using invariance principles.
Prahladh Harsha, TIFR, Mumbai
General prerequisite : Mathematical maturity. In particular, reasonable background in linear algebra, finite fields, probability theory, combinatorics, graph theory will be assumed.
Important information : The duration of each talk will be about 3 hours. Further details regarding the talks, and links to background material such as papers and surveys will be put up on the website soon.